Showing posts with label Marching Soldier Punch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marching Soldier Punch. Show all posts

The Marching Soldier Punch

by Warren Bobrow

If there is one thing that I love more than most, it's a well-prepared punch. Historically speaking, punch is part of our experience of being Americans as much as enjoying an ice-cold beer, if not more so. Punch is part of our social thread because everyone loves punch!

But what is punch and why is a bowl of the stuff so darned pleasurable when imbibing with a crowd?
Fruit juices woven around a core of intoxicating beverages make up a punch. Punch originally came from India and was introduced to the British in the 16th Century. Punch was to be enjoyed by a crowd and usually had a bit less alcoholic content than a mixed drink. They can be made from any number of liquors and they all have the ultimate goal of acting as a social lubricant.

Whatever the case may be, or the history for that matter, punch is delicious with food or without and certainly enjoyable as part of a social gathering. Imagine my delight when I combined pomegranate juice with Sorel - the brilliantly hued and aromatic liquor from my friend Jack From Brooklyn, Barrow's INTENSE Ginger Liqueur, brimming with the essence of fresh ginger, from my friend Josh Morton and the Jerry Thomas Decanter Bitters from The Bitter Truth. It was to be a punch beyond my wildest dreams.

Blood Oranges are at their peak right now and their zest is packed with the kind of orange oil that coats the inside of punch bowl with a hauntingly sweet/spicy amalgamation. I then added a portion of Sorel and a portion of Barrow's Intense to the punch bowl along with a hunk of hand-made ice. Next, I added more than a few swigs of The Bitter Truth Jerry Thomas Decanter

Bitters and sliced grapefruit, blood orange, lemons and limes. I call my punch the Marching Soldier punch after the soldiers who patrolled the woods behind my home during the Revolutionary War, under the command of non other than General George Washington.

The Marching Soldier Punch is a bit sweet, a bit tangy and certainly easy going on the palate. I like it because while the infantry would have been starving, making soup from their boiled boots, the officers often ate and drank like the landed gentry. The officer's drinks were potent reminders of cold winters and colder beverages.
The Marching Soldier Punch

1 Bottle, Jack From Brooklyn "Sorel" Liqueur
1 Bottle Barrow's Intense Ginger Liqueur
1 Qt. Pom Pomegranate Juice
1 Bottle Sorelle Casa "Secco" Sparkling WineBlood orange or regular orange zestsSliced citrus fruits, oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruitsFiltered water ice made from the MAVEA "Inspired" Water pitcher The Bitter Truth Jerry Thomas Decanter Bitters

1. To a punch bowl, add a large chunk of your Mavea filtered water ice.
2. Add the Sorel (Jack from Brooklyn).
3. Add the Barrow's Intense Ginger Liqueur.
4. Add the Pom Pomegranate Juice.
5. Add the bottle of Sorelle Casa "Secco" Sparkling Wine.
6. Add 4 - 6 shakes of The Bitter Truth Jerry Thomas Decanter Bitter, taste, then add more if necessary!
7. Add the fruits.
8. Taste and adjust flavor as necessary.
9. Let sit for an hour or so to combine the flavors, add more ice as necessary!
10. Serve to an appreciative friend, and then have anotherâEUR¦ followed closely by another!

Cheers from DrinkUpNY!
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About the Author

Author bio: Article by Warren Bobrow, a nationally published food and spirits columnist who writes for Williams-Sonoma, Foodista and the Beekman Boys.