Showing posts with label Emergency Situations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emergency Situations. Show all posts

Dealing With Emergency Situations

Possessing emergency skills is a must-have in today's increasingly unpredictable world. Anything can happen, and we can face the most unexpected situations at any given moment. Emergency situations can happen in the workplace. They can happen while you are walking down the street. They can even happen while one is at the comfort and safety of one's own home.

Emergency preparedness is a virtue everyone should follow. Being ready for anything has never hurt anybody. In fact, emergency readiness has saved countless of lives. That is why it is of utmost importance for everyone to take a number of training courses regarding the basic emergency skills.

Common Emergency Situations
Emergency situations can develop as results of two main factors. First, it can result from various forms of accidents. It is important to mention here that these accidents can happen virtually anywhere, so it is always best for one to always be careful. The following are among the most common accidents that merit emergency response:

• Choking
• Suffocation
• Inhalation of Dangerous fumes/smoke
• Poisoning
• Severe Head Trauma/Injuries
• Electrocution
• Drowning

The second most common cause for emergency situations is the onset of serious medical conditions. It is of crucial importance that patients consult their physicians regularly in order to keep their medical conditions in check. The following are among the most common medical conditions that may demand the application of emergency procedure if left unattended:

• Heart Disease
• Asthma
• Cardiac Arrest
• High Blood Pressure
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Dealing with Emergency Situations
Whenever one is facing emergency situations such as the examples stated above, it is very important to remember not to panic and keep calm. You will be of no use to anyone when you are in a state of panic, so it is best to keep your wits. Make sure to call emergency services immediately. Normally, this would be enough, and all you would have to do is to wait for emergency help to arrive. However, in extreme cases, time is a luxury that the victim doesn't have as they are left in the most precarious situation.

If you are ever faced with a similar situation, then you'd have to act fast. First you'd have to assess the situation. Look for the basic signs of life. Do this by checking if the victim has stopped breathing or if their heart has ceased beating. If the answer to these is no, then perhaps it is time to administer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on the victim until emergency help arrives.

CPR was designed to facilitate breathing and the flow of blood throughout the victim's body. The procedure itself is easy enough to do. It follows a cycle of 30 chest compressions of 2 rescue breaths. Pump the victim's chest fast and hard, with the thrusts primarily focusing on the lower portion of the chest bone. Do it at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. When administering rescue breaths make sure that no air is able to escape, and each breath should last 1 second.

Emergency preparedness should be of paramount importance to everyone. Learn more about the basic emergency procedures by attending CPR Courses. These will help you prepare for anything that may come your way.

Be prepared for emergency situations. Learn about basic life-saving skills. Visit for more information
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CPR Readiness and Emergency Situations


CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is one of the most common emergency procedures. It is widely used all over the world and is considered to be one of the most important medical innovations of the 20th century. It is used to revive victims who have stopped breathing and whose hearts have stopped breathing. Before it was formulated in the 1960's, death was considered to be an inevitable effect of cardiac arrest. Nowadays, this is no longer the case since CPR enables those on the scene of the emergency to save the victim's life.

It is a very simple procedure and can be done by anyone who has received proper training. It basically consists of two techniques: the chest compressions and the rescue breaths. The CPR must follow a cycle of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. You can learn exactly how this emergency procedure is done by simply attending CPR courses.

The chest compressions are done by thrusting at the victim's lower chest bone. This is to be done quickly, and each thrust must be done with a considerable amount of force, make sure that the chest sinks by 2 inches with each pump. Chest compressions must also have a rate of 100 thrusts per minute.

Rescue breaths are done by breathing air into the victim's lungs. First, tilt the victim's head in order to make sure that the airway is not blocked. Breathe normally; there is no need to take deep breaths prior to the application of this procedure. Also, make sure that there is no air escaping with each rescue breath. This is done by closing the victim's nose as you breathe into their mouths. Each rescue breath should last one second.

Facing Emergency Situations
There is no way of knowing what may happen as we go through our days. As you may well know, we are living in a world that is increasingly unpredictable. Emergency situations can develop when we least expect it. It can happen while we are at work, while we are walking down the street, or it can even happen while we are at home.

There are two common reasons that lead to emergency situations. Namely, these would be accidents and medical conditions. There is no way to foresee when such things may occur. This is the reason why every one of us needs to be prepared for the worst. Having basic knowledge of emergency procedures like CPR is of utmost importance. It can be used for anyone, from infants to seniors (though the procedure goes through minor changes depending on the need).

Of course, there is one thing everyone needs to remember in emergency situations: remain calm. The best way to deal with emergency situations is to keep a level head. Panicking will not help anyone. Make sure to contact emergency services immediately and inform them of the situation. If you are alone, then it may be necessary for you to perform the CPR procedure first then call emergency services after about 2 minutes.
Be prepared for any type of emergency. Learn about CPR and other first aid techniques. Visit for more information.
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