Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

Many Christians ask the question, "Is it OK for a Christian to Drink Alcohol In Moderation" and I want to discuss that question.
Many Christians aren't asking, they're drinking!
As rationale for which they often point to the turning of the water into wine at the wedding in Canaa, ascribed as the first miracle of Jesus' ministry.
And of course mentioned as well is the Last Supper with the Apostles in Jerusalem, when Jesus handed them the chalice of wine, saying, "This is my blood... "
First I will say that I do not think alcohol in any quantity is acceptable for a Christian, and for a number of secular reasons as well as the scriptural. Every alcoholic began as a "moderate drinker". It starts with the first drink. Alcohol is contributory to almost 100,000 deaths per year from auto and other accidents and domestic violence, even homicide frequently carries an alcohol component. Not to mention the physical damage to the health.
People use alcohol like other drugs, to "numb the pain". Well, hallelujah, as a Christian you have the greatest Comforter, the Holy Spirit. You do not need numbing, you do not need alcohol or other narcotics.
Second, before we discuss those scriptures, let's talk chemistry. Winemaking in particular. Fresh grape juice is fermented by the addition of bacteria that feed off the fructose sugar in the juice and produce as their waste product ethyl alcohol - ethanol. And now it is intoxicating wine. It is, (and get this!) now a product of decay and death.
In the New Testament, which was originally written in Greek, the word oinos is used for both fresh grape juice and the intoxicating form of wine. So, sure, it can be confusing and that is why the question gets asked.
In the Old Testament the Jews were commanded by God to not eat leavened bread, made with yeast - another bacteria, same as in winemaking - during holy days and never into the Temple of God, never bring decay into His presence.
So do you think it likely that for His first miracle after His baptism in the river Jordan, to start out His earthly ministry, that Jesus would create from or change pure clean fresh water into 3 50-gallon clay jars of fermented/decayed intoxicating wine? And take a part in providing yet more wine to the wedding celebrants? They were already out of wine.
And would it in like fashion be consistent with His own commands regarding unleavened bread for Him to serve intoxicating wine to His own Apostles at the Last Supper the night before His crucifixion?
James is founder and pastor of Church of the Lost in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Church specializes in homeless and jail outreach, youth mentoring, life coaching and musical revival festivals. Please visit