The original wagyu meat

Wagyu is a breed of cattle that is genetically predisposed to exceptional marbling and to producing a higher percentage of unsaturated fat than other breeds. The marbling ratio can meet a standard of up to 90 percent fat and ten percent meat. Although taste is subjective it has been said that the beef that is produced from this animal exceeds that of any other beef in both tenderness and taste. Originally, the wagyu meat is Japanese though it is now developed in US, Australia also. Most of it is graded at leastgrades higher than prime meat here in the United States. Wagyu beef is actually determined differently and makes use of a twelve point scale. The most prized beef in Japan would score a twelve compared to USDA prime which would score a five or six on the same scale.
Raised historicallyin the past in Japan, Wagyu standards are much higher than the average American born burger. There are items like the kobe wagyu steakwhich is raised outside Japan but given finishing in Japan only. The Japanese require that the cattle be of pure lineage and raised its whole life on local grasses and water. It must be a bull or virgin cow and the longer time span of raising the cattle for consumption along with the shortage adds to the higher prices that this type of beef commands. The Japanese are known for raising the cattle with exceptional care from everything like diet to massages. Regrettably, this has led to the selling of Imposter Beef. Japanese Wagyu cattle have been bred with Angus cattle here in the United States to generate a crossbreed named Kobe Beef. Lots of restaurants here in the United States claim to offer a kobe-style beef product. This is not authentic Wagyu. This has caused lots of confusion for consumers and lots of profit for the sellers.

The Wagyu beef has such a reputation for excellence that unsuspecting consumers are willing to pay higher prices for meat that is advertised as Kobe. Additionally lots of wholesalers are selling low density Wagyu products at a lot less cost. These lower quality Wagyu products do not measure up to the higher standards set by Japan and they land on the low finish of the twelve point grading scale. Usually these authentic but poorer quality products are priced around $30 per pound. So the kobe meat or beef being sold as original are not that but are priced high and customers are attracted to it unknowingly.

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