3 Health Benefits of Vegan Protein Powder

by Rocky Rhodes

In the past few decades there has been a strong trend toward high-protein diets for general health, fitness, and weight loss. Many people have had success achieving their ideal weight while on any number of high protein diets: Atkins, Slow-Carb, South Beach, Paleo, and a number of others. However, for vegans and vegetarians it can be very difficult to get adequate levels of protein in their diets. Luckily, vegan protein powder is an easy and convenient option for herbivores to get the amino acids they need to build muscle and burn fat.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and are essential for regulating a number of metabolic functions within your body. They are needed to repair and grow tissues, catalyze enzymatic reactions within your digestive system, and regulate your immune system for optimal functioning. Here are several options for vegans and vegetarians to consume non-animal protein and their associated benefits.

1. Vegan Protein Increases Bone Density
One of the most common options for vegetable based protein is Soya. Considered by many to be a complete protein, it provides all the amino acids identified as being critical for optimal health. In addition to having a correlation with healthy levels of cholesterol and reduced heart disease risk, studies prove that soy protein actually increases bone density, making this a great option for women who are at a greater risk of osteoporosis. Soya has come under scrutiny for its estrogen-content and as a result is often eschewed by men.

2. Hemp Protein Powders are Easily-Digestible
Another complete protein source, hemp seed protein provides all essential amino acids. Additionally, hemp contains the proteins edestin and albumen, which are very similar in structure to naturally occurring proteins in your body. This similarity of structure makes this protein more easily digestible, and is considered on of the least allergenic source of protein in the world. If you suffer from food allergies, hemp protein is a great option for boosting your immune system, and supporting weight loss. Additionally, hemp has high levels of essential fatty acids (including the omega fatty acids) that help lower cholesterol and fight free radicals in your body.

3. Vegetable Proteins are High in Fiber
Brown rice protein is another high-fiber protein that ranks almost as low as hemp on the allergy scale. Although not a complete protein, brown rice, like Hemp and Soya is very high in fiber, and is a great option for those who suffer soy or dairy allergies. Vegetable fiber has long been touted for its ability to lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.

So, if you are having trouble finding a source of protein for your vegan or vegetarian diet, look no further than one of the above incredible sources of protein. Vegetarian protein powder supplements are a convenient and easy to digest source of protein that can help you lose weight, normalize your cholesterol, or just give your immune system a boost.

About the Author

Click here to find out how to implement vegan protein powders in your diet today!

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