Peanut butter is a favorite pantry staple for a majority of Americans. However, people suffering from celiac disease fear having peanut butter may worsen their health condition. There is good news to all those who love peanut butter on bread, in their stews, soups or sauces - gluten free peanut butter is widely available on the market.
As mentioned, peanut butter can be gluten free without compromising on quality, taste, and flavor. Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley, beans, some oils and so on. People suffering from celiac disease are forbidden from eating food items rich in gluten.
Healthy peanut butter is usually recommended by doctors and dieticians because it contains high amount of protein, vitamins C, E, B and dietary fiber good for the human body. Natural, organic peanut butter is produced from farm fresh peanuts. It does not contain artificial color, sweeteners, and preservatives. Sometimes we see oil floating on the top of peanut butter kept in a jar. It is because the absence of stabilizers allows the natural oil to remain as it is. However, there is nothing to get worried about since this oil can be mixed by stirring it with a spoon for even distribution.
Peanut butter has great nutritional value and comes with the following advantages:
It helps in reducing weight. People used to believe peanut was not good for overweight people and that it lead to the accumulation of fat in the body. However, various studies have revealed that peanuts and certain oils actually burn out the excess fat letting you look slim.
Chocolate peanut butter contains a high amount of vitamins and protein. A popular flavor of healthy peanut butter is the chocolate flavor. Unsweetened dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants that helps to keep away certain diseases. Thus, one can still enjoy a jar of chocolate flavored peanut butter. This food item is also cholesterol free and is a healthy ingredient to be used on sandwiches, stews, soups, and sauces any time. Besides, chocolate and peanut mix well making a tasty, healthier treat for children and adults at the same time.
Before finally paying for a jar of peanut butter, ensure:
You read the label - Try to read carefully the ingredients that the specific jar of peanut butter contains. For example, check whether it is gluten free, cholesterol free, contains natural oil or not. People who don't like salt should check for the term "salt free" while purchasing a jar.
It is an all-natural gluten free peanut butter - While checking the label ensure the peanut butter is processed naturally. Many times, manufacturers add sugar to thicken the mixture. Hydrogenated oils contain fatty acids that may cause cardiovascular diseases. Supermarket products usually contain unhealthy ingredients such as artificial colors or preservatives that may harm your health. It is better to avoid such food containing health damaging ingredients.
To conclude, peanuts are a kind of legume just like beans and are a rich source of dietary fiber. According to health experts, two tablespoons of peanut butter contain around three grams of fiber. That is equal to the amount of fiber you will get from a bowl of cereal.
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